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To Advertise with Al Jazeera Channel contact Advert on Click Al Jazeera Arabic is one of the leading news channels and websites in the Middle East. Featuring bold
reporting and fearless journalism, it represents the voice of the people and seeks out stories that often go

Al Jazeera is a Qatari government-funded international Arabic news channel based in Doha, Qatar, that is operated by the media conglomerate Al Jazeera Media Network. The channel is a flagship of the media conglomerate and hence, is the only single offering to carry the name as simply "Al Jazeera" in its branding.

To Advertise with Al Jazeera Channel contact Advert on Click When Al Jazeera Channel launched from the Qatari capital, Doha on Friday, November 1, 1996, it was the first independent news channel in the Arab world. Media in the Arab world, till then, was characterized by state-controlled narratives that denied audiences the right to know and the right to be heard.

To Advertise with Al Jazeera Channel contact Advert on Click Al Jazeera pioneered a new paradigm for in-depth journalism that was relevant to its audience, giving them a broad and deep perspective on regional and international affairs, putting the human being directly at the centre of the news agenda. The Channel’s founding tagline, “The Opinion and the Other Opinion”, encapsulated bringing multiple angles to a story, informing and empowering its audiences, championing their stories, while maintaining the spirit of journalistic integrity.

To Advertise with Al Jazeera Channel contact Advert on Click Al Jazeera introduced what came to be known as the “Al Jazeera Phenomena”. It was a turning point in the history of Arab and global media that inspired academics and researchers to study and analyse this phenomena for years to come. Al Jazeera is now one of the largest and most influential international news networks in the world.

To Advertise with Al Jazeera Channel contact Advert on Click Over the years, Al Jazeera’s expansion into new channels, subsidiaries, and digital content is a testament to its constant determination to evolve and deliver unmatched professional journalism to its audiences. The Network presents impartial news, programmes, current affairs, and in-depth investigations that push the boundaries of traditional media.

To Advertise with Al Jazeera Channel contact Advert on Click Al Jazeera is also continuing to pioneer new and emerging storytelling techniques that cater to a new generation, presenting an ever-innovative portfolio of digital products that inform, empower, and educate, whilst maintaining its founding principles.

To Advertise with Al Jazeera Channel contact Advert on Click Al Jazeera Media Network is ideally placed on the world stage with its headquarters in the Arab world with over 70 bureaus around the globe, and more than 3000 employees from more than 95 countries. Al Jazeera has extensive reach across the globe and is available in over 150 countries and territories in more than 430 million homes.

Position Details

- The Aspect Ration Screen is 16:9


- Technical quality must be maintained to a satisfactory standard for international distribution.
- Careless shooting, inappropriate production methods and faulty or substandard equipment can cause avoidable impairment to sound or vision. The use of material from non-broadcast and domestic videotape formats is not permissible.
- Although the majority of material is now produced and delivered digitally, the signals must still be compliant with analogue standards. For example, excessive (illegal) levels are likely to cause severe picture disturbances when copied to analogue tape formats such as Betacam SP, or sound buzz on analogue transmission.
- Video signals must correspond to the reference line-up levels. These include peak sound, maximum luminance, color difference and black levels. Care must be taken to avoid illegal colors which may be generated by caption and graphics systems. Neither the luminance whites nor blacks should be clipped excessively.
- Video levels must be compatible with PAL System.
- Audio signals must be suitable for reproduction in a domestic environment.
Dynamic range should be restricted and changes in loudness controlled so that the viewer has no need to adjust volume. All stereo recordings must provide good mono compatibility.
- The audio shall be free of spurious signals such as noise or hum. Sibilance, distortion wow and flutter shall not be apparent.
- The audio shall not show dynamic and frequency response artifacts as a result of the action of noise reduction or low bit rate coding systems. Audio compression should be used as little as possible as this tends to increase impairments.
- The relative timing of sound to vision should not exhibit any perceptible error. Sound must not lead or lag vision in excess of 20ms (1 field at 25 frames per second).
- A sound delay of greater than 20ms can be acceptable where this occurs in context to give a perception of distance.
- As for the beta-cams all are running the pal system & The Aspect Ration Screen is 16:9 Sound.
- Please do not separate channels on the promotional commercials. Commercials are to be received mix for voiceover and natural on both channels.
- We prefer to put 10 seconds black between commercial and then put title name.
- All requirements of a perfect broadcasting quality are required.
- Tapes Format: BETASP Or DIGITAL Beta. (No SP tapes – shall be omitted).
- Tapes should run LTC.
- Tapes should have distributed channels as Below:
> Track 1 Dubbed Arabic sound without M & E (Music & Effect). (shall be omitted).
> Track 1/3 Stereo left (full mix).
> Track 2 MONO M & E. (Shall be omitted).
> Track 2/4 Stereo right (full mix).
> If stereo not available: Track 1/2 shall be mono full mix.
> Track 3 original English without M & E if available or empty if not available.
No need for commercial breaks. Shall be omitted.
> Track 4 natural sound if available or empty if not available.
No need for commercial breaks. Shall be omitted.
> All programs audio should not be over +4 DBU (0 VUE).
> Programs with English or Arabic subtitle are not accepted clean feed program.
> Starting and end credits are not to be mentioned in Arabic.
> Several episodes can be recorded on one tape provided that they follow the same series but not over than (64 min).
- Material must be delivered widescreen 16:9. Although Al Jazeera English is a fully widescreen channel (16:9), all material is down-converted to 14:9 for distribution. To allow compatibility all commercials must conform to the 14:9 safe areas criteria as specified below.
Delivery Formats
- Programs should be delivered on an appropriate broadcast quality videotape format.
- In all cases the submitted videotape recording must be fully compliant with the manufacturer’s technical specification thereby ensuring format compatibility.
- All material to be fully labeled on the media box.
- All material should have an accurate "cue sheet", as specified previously.


For Newly Used Material:
- The material will be checked for the
contents and Audio visual Quality by the
concerned department in the Stations:
maximum number of days needed is two
working days.
- Media order will be checked by Aljazeera
Traffic Department. (ATD) to see if the
orders are matching with the deal and grid
of the each station: maximum number of
days needed is two working days.
- The first airing date of the spots will be 5
days from the date we receive the material
in Aljazeera - Qatar.
For newly used material that might need some adjustment:
- The material will be checked for the
contents and Audio visual Quality by the
concerned department in the Stations:
maximum number of days needed is two
working days.
- If any adjustments are needed for the
creative: maximum number of days needed
is two working days, the amendments will
be subject to the approval of the client.
- Media order will be checked by Aljazeera
Traffic Department. (ATD) to see if the
orders are matching with the deal and grid
of the each station: maximum number of
days needed is two working days.
- The first airing date of the spots will be four
days from the date we fixed the adjustment
and approved by the client.
For Previously Used Material:
- Media order will be checked by Aljazeera
Traffic Department. (ATD) to see if the
orders are matching with the deal and grid
of the each station: maximum number of
days needed is two working days.
- The first airing date of the spot will be three
days form the date we receive the order and
approved by Aljazeera.
-All material delivered must be to the correct
standard, contain by the correct line-up
sequences and accompanied with the
correct information for the ingest or delivery
process. Every tape submitted must also be
accompanied by a completed recording
report. The report must include full details of
the supplier, recording facility house and
program title/subtitle. It must also include
technical information including the origination format, timecode of first frame of picture (FFOP) and details of the aspect ratio and safe areas used.
- All material is expected to meet the required
technical standards and exemption may not
be invoked for general convenience. All
material delivered must be quality assessed
and be transmission legal. Any material
failing to meet the required technical
standards, or in breach of other acceptance
requirements will be referred back.
- The start of the commercial and any
subsequent part should be preceded by a
countdown clock indicating production
number, title, subtitle, part duration and any
other relevant detail. Sound and vision
maximum levels must always correspond to
the recorded reference tone and color bar l
line-up signals.
- Material shall be delivered in mono or stereo
format as required.
> Left audio shall be present on the A leg or
Channel 1
> Right audio shall be present on the B leg or
Channel 2
> Mono shall be in Dual Mono format with
identical and coherent audio on both Left
and Right channels (Channel 1 and Channel
- All materials or programs should follow
broadcasting quality:
1. Chrome level not less than (300MV).
2. Good sync level (300MV).
3. Video level P/P (1000 MV).