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News | Apple Wins Multiple Advertising Awards For Accessibility Film

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Apple Wins Multiple Advertising Awards For Accessibility Film

464 Views / Article by Advert On Click / 22 May 2023
Source: bolnews
Apple Wins Multiple Advertising Awards For Accessibility Film

Apple recently received multiple awards in advertising for its 2022 accessibility film and Rihanna's song on Apple Music. The One Show, organized by the non-profit organization One Club for Creativity, held a special ceremony to celebrate its 50th anniversary. This advertising awards show is highly regarded, attracting 20,166 entries from 69 countries in 2023.

Apple London and Apple Cupertino collaborated on the film 'The Greatest,' which won Best of Show and Best of Discipline in the brand-side and in-House categories. The film highlighted Apple's ongoing dedication to accessibility.

Additionally, Apple was honored with the prestigious One Show Pencil award, known as one of the toughest awards to win in the advertising industry. Over 20,000 entries were submitted from around the world in 2023.

The entry for 'The Greatest' aimed to raise awareness about Apple's accessibility innovations for individuals with disabilities. The film received five gold medals and one silver medal at the awards ceremony.

In addition to winning the Best in Brand/Internal Company award, Apple achieved three other wins. In the Music & Sound category, Apple received the Best of Discipline award for the song 'Rihanna - Stay' on Apple Music.

Kevin Swanepoel, CEO of The One Club, praised Apple's innovative and inspiring work, stating that Apple's continued success demonstrates the strong connection between good creativity and business.